Since 2019 I teach Psychology Bachelor students principles of programming and how to apply MATLAB in research.
Since 2016 I teach Psychology Master students how to design and build a pupillometry experiment and how to analyse and report on the findings. Basic still I teach are: using Open Sesame (Python based stimulus presentation software, also used to record responses) to build an experiment, using an EyeLink camera to measure pupil size, and using R to analyse and visualise data.
Before 2020, this course was called “Building Experiments and Measuring Performance”. Course Information
Teaching Psychology Master students how signal analysis can be used in psychophysiological experiments.
I supported various research projects of student from the Psychology Bachelor/Master program and the Behavioral and Cognitive Science Research Master. I offer supervision on the development of research questions, experimental design and development, data analysis and statistics, and academic writing.
Copyright © 2021 Robbert van der Mijn